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what is menstruation?

    So basically menstruation is a female reproductive cycle which occur in all female primates like monkeys human apes and it is known as menstrual cycle.I will keep it very simple to make you understand better. The menstruation generally starts at the age of  10-12 years which is starting of adolescence age.It generally last for 3-5 days and is repeated at every 28-29 days on an average and there is  bleeding through vagina in it. No need to worry it is very natural and shows that you are reproductively healthy. If it not happens  there might be any problem and you should see a physician. First i will tell you what is it and how it happens then i will share my experience of first period.

why does menstruation happens?

     so as we know that it is repeated at every 28-29 days it means every girls has her periods(menstruation is also know as periods) every month her body releases an egg which needs to get fertilize by sperm(from man)if this does not happen the egg will not fertilize and it is needed to be removed from body. The first period or menstruation is known as menarche

 Events of the menstrual cycle.

As we know the cycle is of 28-29 days there are many events in it.
* 1-5 days 
   here in first 3-5 days the menstrual flow occurs in which you see the blood coming out of vagina. The uterus which was earlier prepared to receive a fertilized egg do not receive one and the egg die. Now this must get removed from the body. so the Uterus which has prepared itself by making blood capillaries break the endometrium lining(blood capillaries )and that comes out of vagina as menstrual flow. It results in mood swings and abdominal pain.

* Till 14th day of menstrual cycle 
    Now in this stage the ovary(female sex organ) prepares itself to release another egg and the endometrium lining starts rebuilding. The lining becomes very thick with blood capillaries and many hormonal changes takes place in body. The gonadotropins which are the hormones in our body start releasing and attain a peak level.

*14th day 
  At this time the level of the gonadotropins is very high and it results  in release of ovum(egg) know as ovulation.

*After this in the remaining days the egg remain viable for few days and if it get fertilize by sperm the pregnancy take place and all the events of menstruation stops but if it do not fertilize than again the endometrium line breakdown and all the following events are repeated.

My experience.

      SO i was in 7th class when i got my first periods(menarche).
many school faculties and organization had run campaign to create awareness about this to the girls which were about to enter in adolescence. I too had somewhat idea about this whole stuff. SO there was no need to panic.

      On that day i guess it was Sunday or any public holiday. I was suffering from abdomen pain 2-3 days before that particular day. But i was having no idea about it. It was time of evening at around 4-5 p.m. i went to washroom and got to see slight bleeding. At first i got afraid and heart beats running full. Than i went to my mom and said her all this. She told me that now i have started my periods and gave me a sanitary napkin and taught me how to apply it and said me every thing about maintaining hygiene maintaining proper health etc. 

      On that day i was so sad really like very much sad and i hated it i talk to myself why this stuff happens its so bad and i wanted to get rid of it. But that talk was useless. My bleeding last for 4 days on the first time. all those 4 days i felt so bad and so sad .Mom told me that this was totally normal and totally okay. Its a natural process and i am growing up. She told me all this stuff. after that i get to used to it. In fact every women get used to it.

       As i belong from Indian family there are some myths and taboos believed in my home. Many of their thinking has changed but still some remain persistent Like not going near to god ,Not touching holy basil etc,. I go in the kitchen there is no kind of restriction. The only kind of restriction is to not go near god or in temples etc., I dont believe in that but still one have to follow it sometimes. No i am used to it. It really do not interfere with my regular work. Not having any kind of period pain much. All you have to do is maintaining proper hygiene. 

What should you do on your first periods?
    Now this is an important question. If you have a elder at home that reach out to them that one of the best option but if theres no one than no need to panic. There are many symptoms which give signs that your periods are about to come like mood swings without any reason and abdominal pain, tired body etc.

   This all indicates the sign of upcoming periods. If you get to know this and your age is between 10-15 years than get the necessary stuff like sanitary napkins good panties sanitisers etc.
If you have any elder lady like your mom or sister than this stuff must be already present in your home.

 Menstrual hygiene management

Menstruating women manage menstruation primarily by wearing menstrual products such as tampons, napkins or menstrual cups. These products catch the menstrual blood to prevent it from staining and damaging clothing and inconveniencing the wearer. Menstruation can also be suppressed altogether through certain methods of birth control.

Due to poverty, some cannot afford commercial feminine hygiene products. Instead, they use materials found in the environment or other improvised materials. Absorption materials that may be used by women who cannot afford anything else include: sand, ash, small hole in earth, cloth, whole leaf, leaf fiber (such as water hyacinth, banana, papyrus, cotton fiber), paper (toilet paper, re-used newspaper, brown paper bags, pulped and dried paper), animal pelt e.g. goat skin, double layer of underwear, socks, skirt, or sari.

Menstrual products (also called "feminine hygiene" products) 
are made to absorb or catch menstrual blood. A number of different products are available - some are disposable, some are reusable. Where women can afford it, items used to absorb or catch menses are usually commercially manufactured products.
There are disposable products:
Disposable sanitary napkin
Disposable sanitary napkin
Tampon in plastic applicator
The elements of a tampon with applicator. Left: the bigger tube ("penetrator"). Center: cotton tampon with attached string. Right: the narrower tube.
  • Sanitary napkins (also called sanitary towels or pads) – Rectangular pieces of material worn attached to the underwear to absorb menstrual flow, often with an adhesive backing to hold the pad in place. Disposable pads may contain wood pulp or gel products, usually with a plastic lining and bleached.
  • Tampons – Disposable cylinders of treated rayon/cotton blends or all-cotton fleece, usually bleached, that are inserted into the vagina to absorb menstrual flow.
  • Disposable menstrual cups made of soft plastic – A firm, flexible cup-shaped device worn inside the vagina to collect menstrual flow.
Reusable products include:
Menstrual cup
Menstrual cup
Cloth menstrual pad
Cloth menstrual pad
  • Menstrual cups – A firm, flexible bell-shaped device worn inside the vagina to collect menstrual flow. Menstrual cups are usually made of silicone and can last 5 years or longer.
  • Reusable cloth pads – Pads that are made of cotton (often organic), terrycloth, or flannel, and may be handsewn (from material or reused old clothes and towels) or store bought.
  • Padded panties or period-proof underwear – Reusable cloth (usually cotton) underwear with extra absorbent layers sewn in to absorb flow. Some also use patented technology to be leak resistant, such as the brand THINX.
  • Sea sponges – Natural sponges, worn internally like a tampon to absorb menstrual flow.
  • Blanket, towel – (also known as a draw sheet) – large reusable piece of cloth, most often used at night, placed between legs to absorb menstrual flow.

All you need to do is do not panic ,don't stress , take care of your health its totally natural and you're growing up.

I hope you get to know your doubt from this article. Thanks for reading! Happy reading :)


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